
Best Freshwater Fish

Showa Koi fish

Showa Sanshoku, or known as Showa, was developed in the late 1920s by crossing ki-Utsuri with Kohaku. Showa is one of the best freshwater fish that often win the contest koi. Over the years, this type of koi experiencing growth in the trend. At first, Showa has its share of sumi and more hi, called Kindai Showa.

If at first glance, is similar to the type Showa Sanke. However, the type of classic Showa always has sumi (black pattern around the mouth). While Sanke sumi does not have, and the type of Showa sumi cover almost the entire body (in the form of stripes extending to the whole body) and ends below the transverse line.

Showa also have sumi at the base of the pectoral fin, which does not form but solid stripes, called motoguro. Ideally, sumi on the head Showa (menware) should form a diagonal line (V-shaped), but both types must be no white color on the tip of the nose. Hi (red) striking in the head at Showa equipped with sumi quality. White color around the eye with a sharpened nose perfectly shaped body.

Koi is one of the best freshwater fish

Koi fish shiro Utsuri / Utsuri mono

Utsuri is koi two colors with black base color. Variations in color such as white streaks (shiro), red (hi), or yellow (ki). Because Utsuri in Japanese means shadow, patterns of these fish tend to be alternating black with other colors and must be balanced between both sides of the fish and the fish body along proportionate.

Pattern head (menware) at almost the same type of Utsuri Showa; sumi (black) as a diagonal line or V shape is preferred. Sumi should cover the entire body to below the transverse body of the fish. As a direct descendant of Magoi (native Asian carp, Cyprinus carpio), Utsuri should have a black color so that when combined with snow-white coloring, shiro Utsuri will be a fish that appears prominent in the pond.

Although hi Utsuri red ideally, most of it lebi tend to orange. The last type is the group Utsuri ki Utsuri. Yellow color which appears to contrast with the black make ki Utsuri seem attractive, but unfortunately this type is rarely found. Although it is kind of interesting koi, Utsuri can experience fading, which raised a black stain on the color pattern of fish. Noda and also kiwa or sashi (sharpness of color in fish as a whole) are less well able to reduce the beauty of koi.

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